Welcome to Beech Photography Tokyo

Hi, my name is Benjamin Beechey (also known as Ben Beech). I am a Tokyo-based freelance photographer and drone operator specialising in travel, documentary and portrait photography. I also photograph events.

Originally from the UK, I started my photography career in the music industry in London in the mid-2000s working with a variety of artists, record labels and publications.
In 2008, I relocated to Nagano in Japan and two years later I settled in Tokyo where I now live with my family.

My main areas of focus are assignments related to
Japanese travel, tourism and culture. I also take portraits and work with an array of international and domestic companies covering a wide range of events in Tokyo and across Japan.
I also run a
print studio in Tokyo, where I print and frame selected works by hand ready to hang on the wall.

In my spare time I like hiking, winter sports, and exploring forgotten places. I speak both English and Japanese.

If you are interested in working together on any kind of creative project or would just like to say hello, feel free to contact me below. Thanks, have a great day!

Beech Photography Tokyo へようこそ



ビーチー ベンジャミン








Photo Credit: Above image by Irwin Wong

Let’s work together!

If you are interested in working together on any creative projects or campaigns, or just want to say hello feel free to contact me at any time.