Billionaire’s Mansion Location: Japan
The Billionaire in question is somewhat of a controversial businessman, originally from Japan, who invested in real estate in Hawaii, California and across Japan. He employed a number of tactics to drive the prices of properties down, before snapping them up and then reselling at an inflated price. One such tactic involved moving scores of homeless people into his properties and encouraging them to party 24/7, this in turn drove others in the neighbourhood away, allowing him to swoop in and buy their properties. He would then evict the homeless.
Although he still has a number of properties across Tokyo in various upmarket areas, the billionaire was eventually convicted for tax evasion to the tune of $9 million in 2013 at the age of 91. He remains in prison. Since his conviction some of his properties have fallen into complete disrepair after years of neglect. This is one such place, located outside of Tokyo, on the coast in rural Japan.
As you can see he filled the place with a number of kitsch marble statues, garish animal-skin rugs and a host of other items – all in particularly poor taste. You can see the billionaire himself in the company of some geisha in one of the photos. Although he is locked up, he personal fortune is estimated to be over 3.6 billion USD.